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Since 2015, Illinois Pro Services has provided eLearning, instructional design, technical writing, and other services to businesses nationwide. Subject matter we've dealt with includes accounting, actuarial, administrative, aviation, back-office, banking, certification and credentialing, claims management, cloud computing, communications, consulting, customer service, cybersecurity, data protection, dental supplies, education, energy efficiency, engineering, entrepreneurial, ERP, financial auditing, food services, government, health insurance, healthcare, human resources, industry, information security, information technology, infrastructure, inspection, insurance (auto, fire, and P&C), investment, manufacturing, marketing, medical coding, membership events, merchandise, mortgage software, non-profit, oil and gas, pharma, poverty alleviation, project management, property restoration, real estate, regulatory, reinsurance, retail shopping, safety, software development, software simulations, stock options, taxes, team training, testing, training development, transportation, upskilling, virtualization, and waste management.
Consultations are available by appointment, Monday through Saturday.
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Illinois Pro Services, LLC
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